We’re all die hard kawaii fans here and I love to see what we actually end up bringing home. Here’s some of the cutest things the SCK Team couldn’t resist buying this year, or received as gifts.

Ghost Pin & Mirror
I didn’t have much money to spend this year (shout out to Pusheen Box for keeping me in new clothes!) so I was very happy to do a little trade with Ey Up Chuck after we connected on Instagram through our shared love of kawaii ghosts. I love my pin so much and Sarah also sent me a little pocket mirror – adorable! (Marceline)

Stitches Plushie
My Stitches plushie from Darkdevils Designs is definitely the softest thing I’ve bought this year, though my cat is a little jealous! He’s perfect for hugs. (Gabriel)

Art Prints
I was so happy with my purchases from both Hyper Japan and MCM this year. I picked up some gorgeous anime art from both Andy the Lemon and Velvet KT, plus some cute badges from Lolo Loco. (Emma)

Boba Tea Ita Bag
My favorite kawaii purchase would definitely have to be the boba tea ita bag from Stami Studios. I included it in a post I wrote about kawaii ita bags earlier this year, and it means so much more to me because I bought it using my earnings writing for SCK. It honestly still feels surreal getting to own something that used to just be in my wishlist. I also added my own kawaii style to it by adding a bunch of pins and keyrings. The bag always makes for a cute conversation starter, too! (Arlandyia)

Stabby Plush
My absolute favorite gift of the year was a ridiculously cute stuffy named Stabby. Stabby was created by an amazing artist I follow on Instagram – Madison Yang. Stabby is so soft and perfectly detailed, he even has a little backpack that opens! Adora was suspicious of Stabby at first but they were soon watching each others’ backs. (Nova)

Capchara Gachapon
One of my shopping highlights was buying a gachapon mystery box/bag from Rainbowholic Shop and Tofu Cute to compare for SCK. I especially loved the Capchara figures and I’ve displayed them all in my studio. (Marceline)

Hedgehog Stickers
Of course over 2022 I have continued to grow my sticker collection! I got these hedgehog stickers at a market near where I live, from Kitty Martel. The colours make me smile, and naturally the moths are my favourite. (Gabriel)

Yoda Plush
I love the range of plushies from The Toydarian Toymaker in Galaxy’s Edge, so I came home from Walt Disney World with the cutest Yoda plush that’s made to look like it’s been handmade. (Emma)
About the Authors
Marceline is the co-founder and editor of Super Cute Kawaii and the author of The Super Cute Book of Kawaii. She lives by the seaside in Scotland in a flat full of kawaii, creating cute character goods as Asking For Trouble, working on endless craft projects and playing Nintendo.
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Andy (AKA Arlandyia) lives in Manila with her fiancé and works as a content writer, illustrator, and English teacher to fund her love for kawaii and food for their cat, Xiao. In her free time, she plays video games, goes café-hopping, and takes a few short naps.
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Emma is an English teacher who travels a lot. Adventuring around the world is her passion, with Japan being one of her favourite destinations. She loves baking, photography, sweet treats, and all things Disney. If Emma was a Pokémon, she’d definitely be a Pikachu.
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Gabriel is a contributing writer from Yorkshire who loves everything creepy cute. You’ll usually find them crafting, and trying to keep yarn away from Kiki, their tortoiseshell cat. When they’re not creating super cute amigurumi, they’re probably trying to figure out how to dress as a kawaii vampire or dreaming about visiting Tokyo.
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Nova is a contributing writer who lives in the Pacific Northwest in America with her husband, young daughter, and 3 cats – Evey, Ophelia, and Adora. She is an introvert and a traveler who has been to over 20 countries. Her first years as a teacher were teaching English in Japan, so Japan and all things kawaii will always have a special place in her heart. Nova’s favorite color is grey, character is Rilakkuma, and cartoon is Adventure Time
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