This is going to be a really hard time for everyone, but especially people without a regular income. That group likely includes a lot of your favourite kawaii shops, artists, makers, authors, bloggers and Youtubers since events have been cancelled and shops forced to close their doors indefinitely.

Buy Online
Most shops are still open online and shipping orders when they can. If you need a treat for yourself or a gift for a friend, do think of your favourite kawaii shops, artists and makers. Many of them will be offering free shipping, discounts or other incentives. If you don’t need anything just now, see if they sell a gift card for future use, or send them a supportive message.
- Our Favourite Kawaii Artists, Designers & Makers
- The Best Kawaii Shops Worldwide
- Subscription boxes for kawaii & Japanese snacks
- Entrepreneur Alley at Tasty Peach Studios
- Kimchi Kon’s Virtual Artist Alley
Support Creatives
If you have a favourite artist, crafter, YouTuber or blogger, check their social media to see how you can support them. They might have a Patreon you can join, pay-what-you-can downloads, a Ko-fi for donations or have commissions open for a unique piece of art.
Like, Share and Promote
At times like these, Instagram and Facebook’s algorithms seem even more cruel, hiding posts that really need to be seen. Help out your faves for free by liking their posts, adding a comment or sharing with friends. It costs you nothing but will hugely widen the range of people who see it and may become a new fan.

How Can You Help Super Cute Kawaii?
This is going to be a difficult time for us too as most of the staff are self-employed or freelance and SCK does not make a lot of money. You can help by checking out our Super Cute Sponsors, using our affiliate links anywhere on the site to shop on sites like Etsy and Pusheen Box, sharing our posts on social media and joining our mailing list.
If you have a few dollars to spare (that you don’t need for more important things!) SCK also has a Ko-fi and your money goes towards paying our web hosting bill and the SCK writers. You can also buy our book, The Super Cute Book of Kawaii.
Get Featured On SCK!
If you’re a kawaii shop, artist or maker who’s also struggling to keep going, submit your site and we’ll try to feature you in a future blog post. We also have affordable advertising spots for extra promotion.
Thank you for reading this and stay safe. We have lots of cute content coming up next week.
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