Thinking of signing up for a subscription box? Need some help to choose which box is best for you? Here’s a guide to our favourites for kawaii, Japanese candy and more!

What’s a subscription box?
They’re a box of goodies that are sent out throughout the year but can also be bought individually. Often the contents are a surprise, though you usually know how many items you’re getting, plus the box or month may have a theme. Some boxes also share spoilers on social media or may even let you see the full contents before buying.
How does a subscription work?
Rather than just buying a one off box, you buy a subscription and receive a new box regularly (usually every month or quarter). You can choose either an ongoing subscription, where payment is taken for each individual box, or you can save money by paying in advance for a set of boxes, which gets you a discount on every box and sometimes free gifts too.
What’s so great about them?
You get surprise post every month and the contents will be worth more than buying everything separately. Some boxes also include exclusive items, seasonal candy flavours or only-in-Japan products that are difficult or impossible to buy elsewhere.
Anything else I should know before subscribing?
Read the reviews to make sure the box is good value and there aren’t any issues with shipping or quality (though be aware that they could be hiding negative reviews or even making them all up!). You can also search the box name on social media/Youtube to see what was inside previous boxes and what people are saying about it. Check how easy it is to cancel your subscription and when payment is taken for the next box as you will be billed automatically if you don’t cancel in time. If you’re ordering internationally it’s possible you’ll be charged customs fees on top so be prepared. This is a tax set by your own government so don’t blame the subscription box. We always mention if we had to pay customs fees in our reviews.
Check our comparison guides!

Kawaii Subscription Boxes Comparison Guide »

Japanese Candy & Snacks Subscription Boxes Comparison Guide »

Subscription Boxes For Cats Comparison Guide »
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