Custom Made’s Kawaii Favourites
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We love all things cute at Custom Made and spend far to much time combing the internet to find lovely things- so here are some bits and bobs that I love!
Tizzalicious’ Kawaii Favourites
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I am Maartje from Tizzalicious. I was thrilled when I was asked to find some cute goodies for you. It’s getting cold here, so my finds will be warm, cozy & cute.
Lupin Handmade’s Kawaii Favourites
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My name’s Laura, and I spend my days running Lupin Handmade, I’m thrilled to have been asked to pick some super-cute things to share with you all
Guest Picks Competiton Winner
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I hope you enjoy my kawaii choices – I just moved into a wee apaato of my own and I’ve been scouring the interweb for things to make it more CUTE
Hannah Zakari’s Kawaii Favourites
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I can often be found going ‘eeeee!’ at random cute things on the internet so I was extremely happy to be asked to do some picks for my favourite kawaii blog.
Jempins’ Kawaii Favourites
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I spend a goodly portion of each week browsing online and sighing over cuteness, so I am super-pumped to be a guest picker on Super Cute Kawaii!
Lou Lou & Oscar’s Kawaii Favourites
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Hello kittens, Lisa of Lou Lou & Oscar here. I have fled the shadowy realm of Fish Boys and owl taming cats to share some super cute kawaii objects with you
Girl Industries’ Kawaii Favourites
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My name is Katy and I am the creative force behind Girl Industries. I love to travel, to read, to knit and I also have a thing about trees…
KawaiiPunk’s Kawaii Favourites
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I’ve assembled a crack team of Kawaii Mascots to tackle the real task at hand. Together we bring you our… Top 5 Zazzle Kawaii Goodies!!!
Dropstitch’s Kawaii Favourites
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Hello. I’m Laura from dropstitch. I’m not sure that I’m qualified to pick cute things but I am delighted to have been asked and will give it my best shot.