There’s so many tarot sets to choose from! Whether you’re just starting to learn to read tarot, or you’re looking for another set to add to your collection, there’s something for you here. I’ve tried to include links to independent or high street bookstores, or direct to the artists’ own websites, but most of these are also available through places like Amazon.

The set I’m learning with is Modern Witch Tarot (UK/US). I chose it because I really like the artwork, and the bright colours.

Star Spinner Tarot (UK/US) has artwork inspired by myths and fairytales, and the characters are inclusive and diverse.

The Cosmic Slumber Tarot (UK/US) uses imagery influenced by the subconscious. The art and the colours all have a very dreamy feel to them.

If you want a fantastical vibe and bright colours, you’ll like the Rainbow Moon deck (UK/US/AU). The characters are portrayed as genderless, which is a cool change from the usual masculine and feminine portrayals.

The Marseille Cat Tarot (UK) is a fun redesign of the classic Tarot de Marseille, with the humanoid characters replaced by cats. If you’re an animal lover, this is the one for you!

This set is a little different, as it’s an Oracle deck rather than traditional tarot. In short, Oracle sets are more free flowing, less structured than tarot. They can also be used together. The Venice Witch Oracle set (EU) uses absolutely gorgeous colours.

The Mystic Mondays deck (US) combines bright colours, minimalist art and holographic edges to make a stunning deck of tarot cards. You can also get this set in app form.

And how could I make this list without including Kawaii Tarot (US)? Excitingly, the artist has another set coming out – Spoopy Tarot. It’s now available to preorder, to arrive by Halloween.
Which of these is your favourite?
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