For SCK’s 10 year anniversary, we’re sharing interviews with all the SCK staff so you can find out a little more about us – and what we really look like.
Kendy AKA MissMuffcake joined SCK in 2014 along with Natasja. I remember it being so difficult to choose the second writer but I liked that Kendy’s posts were a little bit different to our usual content and could help mix things up. She writes 3 posts a month here at SCK, usually with a creepy cute edge and often featuring cats – you’re sure to be familiar with Mady & Mortis from her reviews! Read all Kendy’s posts here >>

Introduce yourself!
My name is Kendy, I am a freelance writer, cat mom and professional napper! I like collecting toys, doodling, writing letters, napping with my cats and having fun with makeup.
Where do you live and what’s it’s like there?
I live in California – what is known as the central valley. I live in a house built in the 50s and sometimes it feels people’s opinions are still stuck in that era around here. It is really hot in the summer and we have mild winters.
Tell us something about you that we wouldn’t guess from your SCK posts
I read a lot of books! I have a 40-book goal set for 2018 and am almost there! My favorite genres are thriller, young adult and horror.
How did you become interested in kawaii culture?
Since I was little I loved kawaii stuff. Back in the mid-80s my mom would take my little sister and I to Sanrio (aka the Hello Kitty store) inside the mall. I loved how each purchase came in a bright paper bag with a lil plastic trinket taped on it. Also, one of the movies we watched as kids repeatedly was Unico. The movie was put out by Sanrio Studios and even has a blink and you will miss her cameo by Hello Kitty.
How did you find SCK?
Googling ‘kawaii blogs’ and like that I was hooked!

What cute products or characters can you never resist adding to your kawaii collection?
Classics like Hello Kitty and Care Bears. New kitties like Pusheen win me over every time! I also am a sucker for foods with faces! I have a weakness for plushies and have a large collection of them!
What have been your highlights of writing for SCK?
Supporting smaller artists that I admire that would otherwise not get exposure. Supporting artists is very important to me. It is something my boyfriend Matt and I believe is important in the art community.

Which posts are you most proud of?
- Vegan Dollhouse interview – again supporting people you dig is important especially if they share a passion for a cause that you are down with.
- Pastel Goth Fashion Picks – adding some creep with the cute is my personal style and I like helping other find creepy cute things!
- Strawberry Cat Bed Review – Mortis sleeps in this bed every day! Mady is not allowed in it since after I took these photos!
- San Jose Harajuku Fashion Walk – I had a fun day at this and made new friends. I am an introvert that had to push past some of my boundaries to go but I am glad I did!

What are your current favourite Instagram accounts?
- mycatispeople – I love the fluffy feline illustrations!
- – super cute food that is vegan!
- molang.official – the little clips they show make me smile!
- 100soft – cute art, pins and plushies sometimes with a creepy twist!
Where else can we find you online?
My blog Miss Muffcake and on Instagram.

Anything else you’d like to know? Ask in the comments!
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