
Vegan Dollhouse Interview

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Some people have a fear of vegan food – eek tofu! Vegan Dollhouse is making vegan treats that are almost too cute to eat. From cakes to cookies she has vegan sweets covered in cuteness!

Vegan Dollhouse

Introduce yourself! Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Robin / Vegan Dollhouse, and I like to make cute things (vegan food, clothes, etc.)

Where do you live and what’s it like there?

I live in Sunnyvale, CA (halfway between Santa Cruz and San Francisco). It’s quiet, warm, centrally located, and my neighborhood has lots of dogs to pet.

Vegan Dollhouse

What was your first experience with kawaii culture and how does kawaii inspire your work?

I have a terrible memory, so I’m not certain how/when I first discovered kawaii culture. I remember going to see a movie in SF maybe 15 years ago about a girl who worked for Baby the Stars Shine Bright, so I might have been introduced to it through friends around that time. Kawaii is in almost everything I do, from the colors I dye my hair to the tea parties I organize.

Vegan Dollhouse

What is your favorite thing to cook/bake and why?

Oooohhh this question is so hard!!! It’s like asking someone their favorite song. I have too many! I have an intense sugar addiction, so my favorite thing is probably cake in any form.

Vegan Dollhouse

Any tips for people who want to make their food cute?

Yes, come over and make food with me! Hahaha. My advice is to go Daiso* and go to the kitchen section and buy a couple of things. They have these adorbs rice molds that you can use for soooo many things, not just rice! I use my rice molds to make teddy tater tots, teddy bear shaped quinoa bites, etc. The possibilities are endless.

Vegan Dollhouse

Where can we find you on the internet?

I’m @vegandollhouse everywhere on the internet, but I probably use Instagram the most. My recipes are all at vegandollhouse.com, and occasionally I even post about the parties that my food goes to once it leaves my dollhouse.

*If you don’t have a Daiso near you, similar items can be found at shops like Bento&co (JP) and JapanCentre (UK) .

(All photos by Vegan Dollhouse)

About the Author

One response

  1. GimetzuTV avatar

    Thank you so much for this post is amazing! I’m a vegetarian and thought candies were banned from my life but Vegan Dollhouse makes it so much easier!

    Thank you so so much!

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