Someone in our reader survey (let us know who you are in the comments!) asked for a post of bumblebees. I love bees too so here’s a few cute ones for you.

Throw a whole bee-themed party with Paper Glitter‘s printable party kit with decorations, hats, invitations and more.

Pocket Sushi have a kawaii sticker sheet full of busy bees to inspire you to work harder.

Bumblebee Meowchi plush may be sold out forever (I’ve got one!) but you can still pick up a few cute things from Tasty Peach Studios including this necklace.

Pretty sure I’ve featured these sticky notes from MochiThings before, a long time ago, but I still really want them.

How cute is this bee bunny? You can buy a print for a bargainous £1 from Cute Creations (now Xintu).

And if you want a free-bee (sorry!), my free wallpapers feature bees this month. There’s calendar and patterned versions for desktop and mobiles plus a printable planner too.
About the Author
Marceline is the co-founder and editor of Super Cute Kawaii and the author of The Super Cute Book of Kawaii. She lives by the seaside in Scotland in a flat full of kawaii, creating cute character goods as Asking For Trouble, working on endless craft projects and playing Nintendo.
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