Buzzy Bumblebees

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Someone in our reader survey (let us know who you are in the comments!) asked for a post of bumblebees. I love bees too so here’s a few cute ones for you.


Throw a whole bee-themed party with Paper Glitter‘s printable party kit with decorations, hats, invitations and more.


Pocket Sushi have a kawaii sticker sheet full of busy bees to inspire you to work harder.

tasty peach studio

Bumblebee Meowchi plush may be sold out forever (I’ve got one!) but you can still pick up a few cute things from Tasty Peach Studios including this necklace.


Pretty sure I’ve featured these sticky notes from MochiThings before, a long time ago, but I still really want them.


How cute is this bee bunny? You can buy a print for a bargainous £1 from Cute Creations (now Xintu).


And if you want a free-bee (sorry!), my free wallpapers feature bees this month. There’s calendar and patterned versions for desktop and mobiles plus a printable planner too.

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3 responses

  1. Blue Eyed Night Owl avatar
    Blue Eyed Night Owl

    Very cute!

  2. Sara avatar

    Oh my, these are cutest! Specially those paper+glitter printables, and the sticky notes! I wish I would have been the one suggesting this idea ;)

  3. Eliana avatar

    Thank you so much!!! I can’t believe you guys actually did it ;w; Though it is a shame I didn’t see those birthday hats earlier, as my birthday was just yesterday ;^;

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