It’s been overshadowed a bit by the arrival of Jinbe San, but San-X also just released an adorable new Rilakkuma series with a sea otter theme. How cute do they look in their costumes?

There’s some super cute plushies and keyrings, plus stationery, stickers and more.

Everything’s available now from the San-X store if you use a shopping service, otherwise you can wait for items to turn up at San-X stockists worldwide – check our shopping guide. There are also some cute free wallpapers for your computer and phone – get them via I Heart Rilakkuma.
About the Author
Marceline is the co-founder and editor of Super Cute Kawaii and the author of The Super Cute Book of Kawaii. She lives by the seaside in Scotland in a flat full of kawaii, creating cute character goods as Asking For Trouble, working on endless craft projects and playing Nintendo.
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