As you may have noticed, many of the team have been busy with other things in life but there’s some fun new posts coming up soon. In the meantime, we may need to drop Wednesday posts for a few weeks while we work on these longer posts.
Here’s a few posts you can look forward to over the next couple of months:
- I’ll be chatting with Riss from from Tasty Peach Studios who also sent me a box full of Meowchi treats to review. Seeing this cute face when I opened it made my day! I’ll also be reviewing the Spring Pusheen Box.
- Emma will be sharing her experience at Star Wars Celebrations.
- Arlandyia will have some makeup looks with a cute new brand.
- Gabriel will be reviewing the upcoming Amigurumi Cats book.
- & more!
I’ve also been working on a few small site updates to help you find more cute stuff to read. There’s a new new Character Guides category with all our themed posts about different kinds of kawaii animal characters (plus duos, food and ghosts!) and introductions to new characters. Are there any other types of characters you’d like us to add?
I’ve also rearranged the Travel & Japan section to include sub-categories for Visiting Japan, Character Cafes and City Guides so look out for more travel content in future.
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