Did you know that dinosaurs can be cute too? Lately I’ve seen all kinds of dreamy dinosaurs popping up!

At Strapya World (Japan) you can spot these dinosaur plush straps in lovely pastel colours. They come with a ball chain so that you can attach them to your bag and purse.

WonkyAvocado (UK) lets you pick between a pack of 30 or 40 of these kawaii dinosaur stickers. The dinosaurs in the pack of 30 stickers are almost 2 inch tall!

These kawaii pastel dinosaur hair clips are from GoodLuxeVintage (USA). You can pick various colours and each resin dino measures about 60×45 mm.

Arnold the dinosaur is not particularly fond of mornings (I can relate). With this mug from Sugar and Sloth (UK) you can make yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea to wake up with.

Last summer a new series with Rilakkuma dressed up as a dinosaur was released. You can download the Rilakkuma dino wallpapers at the bottom of the official San-X page. If the related items haven’t gone extinct yet, you might be able to find them at shops such as Cuteness.nl (EU).
This DIY Steggie Plush from Seams Like Sarah comes with a free pattern and it looks so cute!
Alice Who Did shows how you can make a cute pair of dinosaurs with polymer clay.
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