Ita bags are a great way to display your favourite enamel pins, patches, keyrings etc. without the risk of losing them. The bags have a clear window with fabric backing so you can create a cute display that’s safe inside. They’ve been around for a while but some creative independent designers have come up with extra special and super cute ita bags that are much more fun.

Of course there’s a cat ita bag for all your favourite kitty pins! It’s by Giraffalope (Canada) and available in white and mint, shipping now.

Disney fans and pastel princesses definitely need one of these castle ita bags by Stami Studios (UK). I really love the tower windows for your very favourite pins. These are also available in 2 colours, shipping now.

Oh no, a shark has eaten all your pins! This incredible shark ita bag is by Rescue Sirens (USA) and available for pre-order, shipping in a couple of months.

The Pink Samurai is the queen of enamel pins (check out her great Enamel Pins 101 series on YouTube) so it makes sense that Becky would design the perfect pink bubblegum ita bags. These are a crossbody style with loads of space for all your pins. Both colours are at a special pre-order price until Friday and will ship in August.

Already waiting impatiently for Halloween? Pre-order a kawaii bat ita bag from Bright Bat Design (USA) and you’ll get it in time for spooky season. It comes in lavender too.
If you can’t afford one right now, there’s lots of DIY ita bags on YouTube.
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