
Make Today A Kawaii Apple Pie Day

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Apple pie was around long before America even had apple trees. However, eating apple pie all-year-long became so common in America that by the 18th century anything that was considered typically American was described “as American as apple pie.” With today being Apple Pie Day, I felt it was my duty to bake one up (but in a kawaii way, of course). I also added a few of my favorite apple-pie-themed finds!

kawaii apple pie crust

First, the pie! Traditional American apple pies have a lattice crust, but you can cute-ify the crust using a small, kawaii cookie cutter to make a bespoke design. I chose stars and I am so pleased with the delicious results. Read my full tutorial for all the details.

apple pie decorating

For more pie inspiration, consider following artist Karin Pfeiff Boschek on Instagram. She will decorate your feed with gorgeous edible art.

apple pie milkshake recipe

If disaster should strike and your finished pie doesn’t bring you joy, don’t lose hope. You can always turn your pie into delicious apple pie milkshakes with this recipe from Alton Brown. (I want one right now.)

Watch on YouTube

For a kawaii twist on a classic, Kawaii Sweet World has a lovely video on how to make simple Hello Kitty mini-apple pies.

Watch on YouTube

Decorate your home for Apple Pie Day with cute smiling pies using this drawing tutorial from Draw Cute Things.

apple pie umaibo

I love trying Japanese snacks, I’m always surprised by the flavor. Give this Apple Pie Umaibo from Sugoi Mart (JP) a try, It’s a puffed corn snack.

How will you celebrate Apple Pie Day in a kawaii way?

About the Author

2 responses

  1. Suzanne avatar

    Oh man, saving the milkshake recipe.

    1. Nova avatar

      Right? It’s tempting to make a pie just for that . . .

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