Summer is over and now we’re all about apples, pumpkins, nuts and mushrooms. Before we get stuck into Halloween, here’s some free autumn crafts and patterns to celebrate the season.

Firstly, something actually edible – a recipe for Winnie the Pooh pumpkin cookies by Kaori at Moshi Moshi Nippon. Not only do these look like pumpkins (and Pooh) but they have pumpkin as part of the dough for a soft texture.

Japanese craft brand Lecien often share free patterns on their blog and I love this mushroom family cross stitch pattern – wouldn’t it be great framed for your wall? It’s quite a large project but cross stitch is so fast it won’t take you long.

If you’re a crocheter, how about making some happy apples with this free amigurumi pattern from Grace and Yarn? You could have a lot of fun choosing colours and faces.

These days, the start of Autumn is heralded by the pumpkin spice latte and Wild Olive has a cute PSL embroidery pattern plus a guide to turning it into a little hexagon brooch.

Show off your love of autumn colours with a handmade wreath decorated with felt toadstools, mushrooms and leaves. This DIY from Bugs and Fishes includes templates so you could also just turn the toadstools into brooches or bag charms.

If you’re addicted to shaking trees for acorns in Animal Crossing, you’ll love these kawaii acorn printable treat boxes at Hello, Wonderful. As long as you’ve got some card and a printer, you can make as many as you like and fill them with seasonal treats for friends and family.
Check out our Autumn/Fall Crafts category for even more ideas.
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