Whether you’re a complete beginner at drawing or just lack inspiration, these kawaii drawing books can help you!

You may have seen Pic Candle’s doodle videos on YouTube and now creator Zainab has her own drawing book! Kawaii Doodle Class shows you how to draw 75 super-cute characters with simple step-by-step illustrations and instructions. There’s a mix and match element too so you can customise your doodles with different expressions.

I love the illustration style of Angela Nguyen AKA pikarar, especially her cute takes on Pikachu. Her drawing book is called Kawaii! How to Draw Really Cute Stuff and has the hilarious subtitle of ‘Put the awwww into drawwww’. That means pages and pages of step by step drawings for just about everything including cute animals and food.

There are lots of Etsy shops selling Japanese drawing books so you’re sure to find something to suit you – they always have lots of step by step illustrations that are easy to follow so you don’t need to be able to read Japanese! If you’re a Sanrio fan, pomadour24 has this Japanese ballpoint drawing book that will teach you how to draw Hello Kitty and friends

Just learning how to draw? This Easy Kawaii Illustration Book at JapanLovelyCrafts will start you off with simple but super cute doodles. Each character is just a few lines and shapes with suggestions for customising them further with patterns and faces. You’ll be a confident kawaii illustrator in no time!

This afternoon tea themed drawing book for coloured pencils is great for anyone with a sweet tooth as it’s full of cakes, desserts and teacups. Get it from Japan Zakka ILOILO.
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