Let’s catch up with the latest news from our kawaii sponsors!

Cakes with Faces is here to brighten up these gloomy grey days with the most colourful t-shirts in the world – all available in mens and ladies sizes.

Japan Centre have a 3 for 2 deal on Japanese candy and DIY kits happening this weekend including some of your favourite brands. Stocks are limited though so hurry before it all sells out.

Yozo Craft have even more new stickers in store including lots of pandas and cats! Every order earns points to spend on future orders too.

Cel’s Deconails have some super sweet decoden press on nails for a kawaii finishing touch on a special occasion. There’s cute sweets and fruit as well as spooky and sparkly designs.

If you enjoyed Andi’s review yesterday, make sure to check out all the stationery at Kawaii Depot. These ice cream pens are available in loads of colours and flavours and make me wish for summer. There’s 10% off any $10+ order with the code KDSS-10 or 15% off a $50+ order with the code 15PER.

Over at my Asking For Trouble shop, I’ve got some colourful new sticker sheets available with a special offer if you buy all three!
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