While I was browsing around on Amazon Global, I stumbled across an adorable art book with bunnies and ice cream on the cover that I couldn’t resist getting for myself.
It’s called Fushigi no Mofumofu Cafe (which translates as something like ‘fluffy cafe in wonderland’) by Lilac (Rairaku / らいらっく) and features illustrations of bunnies (and the occasional bird and dog) relaxing in all kinds of delicious food.
It’s pretty thick for a comic with 93 pages and every illustration is cuter than the last!
It’s split into a few sections: Western cuisine, Japanese cuisine, fast food and sweets. It’s so hard to pick out some favourites to show you as it’s all too kawaii.
The sweets is definitely my favourite section though, and the biggest too. It’s got everything from pastries and crepes to parfaits and cakes! Some bakery could make a fortune replicating these. There’s also some pages with daily menus for the week which I would like to sign up for by delivery service.
I’m so glad I got this – it’s completely adorable and I know I’ll be delighted all over again every time I come across it on my bookshelf. If you love bunnies, Japanese food and illustration, this is a must buy.
It’s available through Amazon Global for around £10/$13 along with another volume that I will have to add to my wish list. You can also get it from YesAsia for a higher price. Lilac also has a website which is packed full of even more cute illustrations.
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