Happy Birthday To Us! It’s a whole seven years since me and Claire dreamed up our little kawaii corner of the internet, and also a whole year since Claire and the Le Buns retired and Natasja, MissMuffcake and Frainy came on board.

The last year has brought a lot of changes but I think the site is better than ever. It certainly looks a lot nicer now than when we first started!

Horrors! Anyway, I thought it might be fun to do a little Q&A. If you have any questions about SCK, kawaii, Japan, blogging or any of the SCK writers, leave a comment and we’ll answer them either in another post, or directly in the comments, depending on how many there are.
We’ll also have a birthday giveaway so look out for that, and thanks for reading SCK, whether you’ve been here from day one or just joined us. I’ve got lots of cute plans for the next few years!
About the Author
Marceline is the co-founder and editor of Super Cute Kawaii and the author of The Super Cute Book of Kawaii. She lives by the seaside in Scotland in a flat full of kawaii, creating cute character goods as Asking For Trouble, working on endless craft projects and playing Nintendo.
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