
Kawaii Wallpaper Overload!

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Someone help me! I’ve been looking at the crazy amount of free cuteness available from San-X and I think I’m going to cry.


There’s like several million desktop wallpapers with all our favourite characters doing all kinds of adorable things, plus some other unintelligible stuff which is probably screensavers and icon sets and MAKE IT STOP.


I think I’m going to download every single wallpaper, then set it to change image every 30 seconds until my head explodes.

rilakkuma mask

Or maybe I’ll just distract myself with this Rilakkuma mask and printable writing sets. Sigh.


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6 responses

  1. P avatar

    Too bad the wallpaper can’t actually be a slideshow so you can use all of the images!

  2. Viv avatar

    Aw… it is a crazy amount of cuteness !

  3. BuncakeBakery avatar

    Just found your blog and I LOVE it! You are now a button on my browser! ^_^

  4. Holly-wa avatar

    I am actually about to EXPLODE with all the cuteness!
    Your site will be the death of me ^^

  5. kvweber avatar

    Actually, with Windows 7, you CAN make the wallpaper a slideshow! I’m making different themes with the different characters! Thanks for the links. <3

  6. Cinnamoroll avatar

    Awwwwww! I downloaded them and now my background is … CUTE!!!!

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