I bought this lovely zine from Dudley Redhead the other week. Her stuff always sells out super-quick so I was glad to snap one up. It’s a little travelogue of a trip to Japan – not full of exhaustive ramblings like mine but rather a scrapbook of drawings, photos and observations. It’s even decorated with little stickers and stampers. It’ll only take you a few minutes to leaf through but it’s full of inspiration.

She also makes lots of other cuteness including zines, paintings, prints, cards and mobile charms. Her art features the cutest animals and the zines all have awesome concepts, like the adventures of a button or some interesting stuff about owls illustrated by her daughter. Dudley Redhead has an Etsy shop and a blog so go check it all out!
About the Author
Marceline is the co-founder and editor of Super Cute Kawaii and the author of The Super Cute Book of Kawaii. She lives by the seaside in Scotland in a flat full of kawaii, creating cute character goods as Asking For Trouble, working on endless craft projects and playing Nintendo.
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