As with many fashion terms, the word pochette means different things depending on the country and brand. For kawaii pochette bags, I feel they need to be very small bags with a long shoulder strap that are more decorative than useful, with not much space inside. They’re not very practical but you’ll look super cute! The bags in Animal Crossing are the pinnacle of this style for me and here’s some real life versions.
I’m trying not to buy any more pochettes but top of my wish list is this Sumikko Gurashi Furoshiki bag, as worn by Shirokuma on occasion! There’s an Ebifurai version too – and many more Japanese characters – at VeryGoods (JP).
If you love a pochette, it’s worth checking kids crossbody bags as they are often very kawaii. I love this Bertie Bee bag at Retro Kids (UK) – it would be perfect for a summer picnic.
Furla (worldwide) have a very kawaii – but eye-wateringly expensive – collaboration with LINE FRIENDS that includes lots of tiny bags with Brown & Cony. Are they worth hundreds of pounds? Depends on the state of your bank account I guess!
Much more affordable is the collaboration between Uniqlo and Parisian fashion brand Paul & Joe. There’s 3 chic little pochettes for adults, currently discounted. The polka dot cat is the clear winner, and there’s a great matching t-shirt too (that I was unable to resist). Only the clothing is listed on the US site but maybe you’ll find the bags in stores.
Join in the cottagecore trend with a mini straw bag. Meri Meri (UK) have a sweet range with a cat, bird, lion and even a cottage!
For handmade, MasumiBoutique (JP) has some very colourful and decorative pochettes with lace and bows. Each bag is unique and there’s a few different combinations to choose from, plus kitty coin purses.
Or how about an ice cream cookie sandwich bag? These come in 3 flavours and are handmade to order by Latte Fragolina (EU).
This bao bag by Cafe De Yume (Canada) is technically a Nintendo Switch pouch but it does come with a crossbody strap so can be used as a bag too. It’s also extremely cute!
A colourful rainbow bag will go with anything and is sure to cheer you up. There’s lots around but this one from Accessorize (UK) has a cool neon palette and a rainbow strap too.
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