Malaysia is another under-represented area of the world so far on Super Cute Kawaii, but thanks to reader Emily, Evangelione has flown onto our radar.

Tako’s shop features tiny detailed items which are simply cute for the sake of it – the Japanese call this zakka.

If you’re new to kawaii, you might not have heard this term before. Wikipedia describes it as:
Zakka (from the Japanese ‘zak-ka’(雑貨)or ‘many things’) is a fashion and design phenomenon that has spread from Japan throughout Asia. The term refers to everything and anything that improves your home, life and outlook.

I think you’ll agree that with some Evangelione in your life, it would certainly improved!
About the Author
Claire (AKA Panda san) is the co-founder of Super Cute Kawaii and stepped down in August 2014. Claire now spends most of her free time crafting risque homewares, dreaming of ponies and looking for her next kawaii fix.
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