
Argyle Whale’s Kawaii Favourites

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Greetings kawaii enthusiasts! I’m Elise of Argyle Whale and so pleased to be a guest-picker here at Super Cute Kawaii. I consider myself something of an authority on cuteness due to constant exposure to my two rabbit companions and hedgehog friend. My three little pets are a big influence in my own work and I made today’s selections in their honor. You know, they are very demanding of tribute!

sepia lepus

This print by Sepia Lepus combines my trio of beloved creatures with my favorite printmaking method (All hail the print Gocco!). It perfectly captures the playful bursts of bunnies and the curious but brooding way of the hedgehog.

andy eats only candy

This punchy tote bag by Andy Eats Only Candy perfectly illustrates the most adorable part of hedgehog anatomy. Their disproportionately tiny feet make it hard not to squeal with delight.

kris blues

Kris Blues‘ “Rabbits on Marshmallow Tree” pretty much blows my mind. Bunny rabbits are always cute. Bunnies in trees appear to be even cuter. Bunnies in a marshmallow tree is truly an unstoppable parfait of cuteness!

kate broughton

Kate Broughton has surely made the sweetest hedgehog brooch in the world! You can tell that this particular hedgehog would be very content pinned to your jacket because its quills are tidily laid on it’s back instead of in an angry mess.

red mush

I am so fond of these bunny egg warmers/hand puppets by Red Mush. They are embroidered with such a kindly expression and I adore the way they seem to be resting their paws on their pleasantly full bellies.

I hope my selections have temporarily satisfied your on your quest for cute handmade treasures. I must be off for now to tend to my soft and spiky flock. Thanks for looking!

About the Author

2 responses

  1. Liz S. avatar

    unbelievably adorable! I especially love the bunnies in marshmallow trees.

  2. Christine avatar

    Love Kate’s hedgehog brooch! It is so you :o)

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