One of my resolutions this year is to do more crafts and some of the SCK Team are going to join me in trying out some of the kits and projects we’re hoarding. That should mean more SCK Tries posts where we try out a DIY tutorial or kit to see how it works in real life and whether we’d recommend you give it a go. This time, a Pusheen Cookie Kit.

I picked this up in Boots before Christmas thinking it might be fun. I like baking but I am incapable of following the instructions if I think I know better (there’s a reason my business name is Asking For Trouble!) so there was a good chance of an amusing disaster for you! It took ages for me to actually make it though as I couldn’t get writing chocolate in my small town. The kit suggests simple icing sugar/powdered sugar icing but I wanted to try and make them look like Pusheen.

The kit is just a bag of baking mix plus a Pusheen cookie cutter. You add some water and butter/margarine, mix into a dough and roll it out. The Pusheen shapes have a lot of tiny details around the edge that are easy to squash so I recommend doing the whole piece of dough and peeling away the extra before using a fish slice or similar to move them onto your baking tray.

I put them on greaseproof paper instead of greasing the tray (already making changes!) and that worked really well with no sticking. I had enough dough to fill a small sheet and some left over that I made into bigger cookies with other cutters I already owned.

The cookies are very light so I left them in a bit too long and singed the tails – sorry Pusheen! They didn’t spread much but instead contracted a bit making for slightly misshapen Pusheens.

I left them alone to cool and then prepared the decorations. The writing chocolate is a solid tube that you put in boiling water until the chocolate melts. I hadn’t realised how small the cookies wuld be though and the chocolate was far too thick. I ended up having to squeeze some on to greaseproof paper and use a toothpick. The chocolate turned solid so quickly that I was having to re-warm it constantly and it soon got far too boring.
The end result

I gave up after two attempts – they’re a bit messy but but I’m quite pleased with the top one. It would maybe have been easier with coloured writing icing or those edible pens.

With the rest, I just made some white icing and added sprinkles! They tasted pretty good too. Overall, it was a fun thing to do while stuck indoors on a stormy weekend but I wouldn’t recommend this kit. If you decorate with icing, they don’t really look like Pusheen, and you’d need a Kim-Joy level of decorating skill and patience to to make a full batch of Pusheen faces and markings.

This kit is no longer available. If you’d like to make Pusheen cookies, I would instead suggest the Pusheen & Stormy Cookie Cutter Set at ARTBOX (UK) or the Cookie Stamp Kit at the Pusheen Shop (USA) and using with another cookie mix or recipe.
What kind of crafts would you like to see us try next?
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