Want to Write for Super Cute Kawaii? (CLOSED)

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Do you love kawaii? Do you love shopping? Do you love writing? If so, you could be working for Super Cute Kawaii, one of the most popular daily kawaii blogs on the internet.


As we enter our seventh year, co-founder Claire (Panda-san) and the Famille Le Bun are stepping down to pursue new projects and leaving some very cute shoes to fill. Marceline (Bunny-san) is looking for guest writers to fill out our content, with the chance to be hired as a paid staff member.

Could it be you?

We’re looking for kawaii fans of any age, gender and country, who speak and write English fluently and have some experience with blogging and social media. Knowing how to use WordPress is a bonus, but we can train you up on that.

Want to try out? Here’s what to do:

Download the application pack, read it carefully and submit your application with 3 sample posts. The closing date is 31st August so get writing and good luck!

The Small Print

Sample posts you submit must be your original work and ideas. By applying you are giving SCK permission to publish your sample posts to test audience response. You will not be paid for published sample posts but will receive a credit link. SCK may also use your sample post ideas to write our own posts, again giving you credit for the idea.

Unsuccessful applicants may not receive a response. Successful applicants will be hired on a trial basis as guest posters and paid for each post (1-2 per week), with the opportunity to advance to a part-time paid staff writer position handling holiday cover, social media etc. All payment is on a freelance basis and you will need to register as self-employed in your own country and pay appropriate taxes.

If you have any questions about the application process please leave a comment below.

About the Author

12 responses

  1. Molly avatar

    Can the sample posts be actual posts from my blog? I have done some posts about cute shops and items online and posted reviews of my Kawaii Box.

  2. Kya avatar

    That is really cool, at the same time sad to hear that the some members are stepping down. I hope you get many new applications coming in.

    I am almost tempted to apply. But, I don’t know if I would really be reliable enough and wouldn’t want to let you down. :(

  3. mar-c avatar

    Molly – we would prefer to see posts that haven’t been published elsewhere since we’ll be publishing the best ones, but one from your blog would be fine.

    Kya – thanks! I’m sad to lose them too, but 7 years is a long time to do one thing, and I’m excited to try out new stuff. You should still apply, and if not, we’ll be looking for more people for occasional guest posts soon too.

  4. Debbie avatar

    Are you still receiving applications? I know it’s a long shot, but I just found this website and would love to write for Super Cute Kawaii :3

    1. mar-c avatar

      Applications close at the end of August so loads of time yet!

  5. Debbie avatar

    Oh great haha :)

  6. Frainy avatar

    I’d love to apply but I was wondering how many posts I would be required to write a month or how often I would need to post if I was chosen, as I have a full time job and also run a shop and youtube channel ;o;

    1. mar-c avatar

      It depends how many people we end up hiring, but no more than 1-2 posts a week, which can usually be done ahead in batches if you prefer.

  7. Anon avatar

    I was wondering if we *had* to submit our real name? Wouldn’t a pseudonym be alright, or at least until being chosen as a writer (if we were to be)?

  8. mar-c avatar

    Anon- We would prefer to know who wrote the posts before we publish them on the website. We wouldn’t share your real name with anyone though. If it’s a problem, you could apply without your name and provide it if we add you to the shortlist for publication.

  9. Esther avatar

    Is it alright if I attach my information and sample posts through links to the Google documents?

  10. mar-c avatar

    Esther – yes, that’s fine.

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Super Cute Kawaii is a daily blog sharing the best of kawaii since 2008. Our small team of writers around the world cover the cutest independent makers, our favourite Japanese and Korean characters, cool shops and events worldwide + DIY crafts, reviews, giveaways, Japan travel tips and lots more!

oshoppu - UK kawaii lifestyle shop
Asking For Trouble - cute, colourful and useful stationery, accessories, craft supplies and gifts
Momokakkoii - kawaii goodies that will brighten your day
A Cute Shop 4 Hello Kitty
Cakes With Faces - colourful t-shirts, clothing & gifts inspired by Japan
Kawaii Republic - Japanese Kawaii merchandise with free shipping from Japan
The Super Cute Book of Kawaii
Winter 2024 Pusheen Box


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