Big news everyone! After a lot of thinking, we have decided to close the Super Cute Kawaii shop. When we opened up, there was a real lack of kawaii stores for UK folks but now they’re springing up like mushrooms, plus overseas kawaii sites have more affordable shipping these days. So, we’re going to leave it to them and invest more time in the blog.
Yep, the blog is staying right here. We’ve got lots of exciting plans and features up our sleeves to make things even cuter – watch this space!
In the meantime, EVERYTHING MUST GO! We’ve been heavily discounting all our stock over the weekend and it’s selling fast. We let our Twitter and Facebook fans know first and they’ve been cleaning us out! If you don’t follow us on one or both of those, you’re really missing out!
If there’s anything left in the shop by closing day (March 21st) it will go in a big bag and we’ll give it away on the blog. This doesn’t apply to Super Cute Kawaii character products – you’ll be able to pick those up over at Asking For Trouble.
So, thanks to all our customers and suppliers over the last couple of years and happy shopping! Feel free to leave links to your favourite kawaii stores in the comments and we’ll update our guide to The Best Kawaii Shops Worldwide.
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