
Mameshiba Kawaii Bean Dogs

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Mameshiba, the bean dogs, are fast becoming my most anticipated kawaii product range. Literally every product they turn up on is completely hilarious.


Even relatively normal products like the plushies above are photographed in bizarre setups. Let’s take a look at some more:


Mameshiba slippers! Could anyone really walk in these without doing some kind of intensive clown shoe walking course? I don’t think so.


As if colourful bean shaped dogs weren’t crazy enough, let’s put them in tiger costumes. How would you think of this?


I’ll leave you to read this yourself. Amazing.


And finally, this bento box at From Japan With Love might not seem so odd but just think about how you would explain this to your co-workers. Do you eat anthropomorphic bean dogs for your lunch? DO YOU?!

Watch on YouTube

Oh oh, Friday bonus! Why not watch this hilarious Mameshiba video on YouTube. They even have subtitles so you’re not completely baffled.

Find Mameshiba at The Best Kawaii Shops Worldwide.

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5 responses

  1. Jen avatar

    I think I want mameshiba slippers more than anything!

  2. Louise avatar

    I love there adverts – I saw them while I was in Tokyo last year, they alway made me smile!

  3. Jackie avatar

    The mameshiba ads/trivia are hilarious! These things are too cute, and I can’t help but smile.

  4. Lolita Valentine avatar

    I need bean dogs on my feet. Now.

  5. Sheena avatar

    I love mameshiba. This isn’t even the half of it though. They also have a mameshiba knitting machine and bank that won’t open unless you enter the password in the built in calculator! Oh don’t forget your mameshiba toilet paper!<— (thats for the pinatsu in your unchi!)Look out for pinatsu mameshiba when you're in the bathroom! He may pop out of the strangest place with some amazing mame-chishiki! Mite!

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