Art & Drawing

Sea Lemon’s One Year Doodle Challenge Calendar

Posted on January 23, 2020 by

As an ‘artist’ I have sometimes found myself in a creative rut. I reach for my supplies only to blank out, get frustrated and put everything away when an idea does not immediately pop into my head. This year I decided to slow down and think outside of the box and try new things in hopes of learning to successfully navigate through the ups and downs of creating for fun and as a form of therapy.

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I have been a fan of Sea Lemon’s YouTube channel for a while. With different DIY projects that are straightforward and fun to watch I have always come back for more. When I saw that she released a One Year Doodle Challenge calendar I immediately bought one and started on it the first day of the new year.

One Year Doodle Challenge

The calendar is set up like a regular calendar, boxes with numbers in a graph like form. However, each little box has a one-word prompt – your doodle challenge.

One Year Doodle Challenge

I downloaded and printed a copy because I like the feel of pen to paper but, the challenge can also be used digitally. While I am in no way a great artist these daily prompts have made me doodle outside my comfort zone. Each day I look forward to a new challenge.

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If you are looking to expand your drawing skills, learn new things and pick up tips, check out Sea Lemon’s channel. If you need a fun creativity boost buy the calendar and let your imagination run wild!

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