I like crafting but I am also very impatient. When I want to make something, I want it done like five minutes ago! Lately I have made a few simple crafty projects for my house and that inspired me to search out more ideas. Hopefully you will find inspiration to get your craft on, no matter if you are impatient like me or are low on time.
I bought a set of these Bulbasaur-inspired planters (USA) with high hopes of having cute little plants around the house. After two trips to garden centers and not being able to find plants small enough to fit them, I decided to go the DIY route.
I used super affordable craft felt and followed this video by Sunny Side Up on How To Make Super Secret Succulent Plant. 5 minutes later, my mini planter had a mini bloom!
I have been cross stitching a lot lately (ya, I know it takes more than 5 minutes to complete a project!). I like sitting on the couch and relaxing while working on a pattern. The only problem I had was the little bits of threads that kept piling up. With two cats around I want to make sure my crafts do not cause them any harm (swallowing string is a huge no no!).
I made a little dish from a planter base with a few coats of acrylic paint and sealer + a cute sticker from The Pink Samurai. I can sit this next to me, toss in all my floss scraps and at the end of my session dump it all into the trash.
Crafter of Cute has easy to follow drawing and paper craft tutorials on Instagram that anyone can do! Try one or two of their drawing tutorials or spend a day doodling their designs.
5-Minute Crafts seems to put out a video daily. Often their ideas leave me puzzled but if you sift through the videos you are bound to find a project or two you can do with stuff you have sitting around the house. I really enjoyed this video of creepy cute toy hacks and came away with a few simple ideas I can’t wait to try out!
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