While looking for new kits on Etsy, I came across the KittyApril Teddies shop and their adorable plush animals sewing kits and patterns. While the pricing makes these kits more of a splurge, you get high quality materials and whimsical, cute designs to create. There are also discounted pattern & tutorial sets, as well as affordable pattern-only listings for the more experienced plush maker.
My favorite kit from the shop this the palm-sized elephant plush kit. It’s the most beginner-friendly, and you can also choose the shade of your main fabric for this kit, which is a nice bonus. Elephants are underrepresented in my opinion, so this caught my eye!
For something a bit larger, the teddy fox is quite sweet, and it’s also poseable!
The shop also offers discounted packages that offer the patterns with instructions, like the mini hedgehog plush (look at its sweater!) This is a good idea if you’d like to use your own materials.
If you’d like a project without splurging, they do offer patterns you can buy without the additional instructions at a very good price, like their cute teddy squirrel. These are better suited for crafters experienced with plush making.
My second favorite is the lemur pattern available, which I’m admittedly bookmarking for when I’m confident to tackle the challenge.
Once you’ve viewed all the KittyApril Teddies plush animals, comment and let us know which kit of theirs is your favorite.
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