It’s already back to school time again, which can be bittersweet for many. While summer is quickly coming to a close, there is at least supply shopping to look forward to. Or supply crafting in this case! An easy way to stay prepared and excited for this time of year is to create and personalize your own school supplies. Whether in class or studying at home, cute supplies will help keep your spirit and motivation levels high. Here are some of my favorite finds!

Soozooya’s DIY Rilakkuma dango pencil case is hands down the cutest pencil case I’ve ever seen! And as a bonus, it isn’t a material-heavy project. Fluffy socks can be found at most dollar and bargain stores, making this DIY an inexpensive alternative to most kawaii plush pencil cases.
If you need a pencil sharpener that will be cute and convenient, the bubble tea pencil sharpener by 2 Cats & 1 Doll is a great option. When a pencil is inserted into the sharpener, it cleverly looks like the straw!

2 Cats & 1 Doll also has an adorable monster notebook cover tutorial that offers a really cute way to personalize a notebook in a cute and spooky way! I like that the tutorial uses a lot of materials that could be easily substituted so it would be easy to make without needing to buy extra supplies.
The mini eraser tutorial over on Everything Nim’s channel shows you how to make a few different styles of tiny erasers using eraser clay easily found on Amazon. This seems like a fun make if you’re looking for a new supply to work with!
Looking to have a one-of-a-kind pen for school? The DIY Sentimental Circus clay pen by Darling Craftolate is a very kawaii (and sparkly!) choice. I’m a sucker when it comes to collecting unusual and cute writing supplies, so I’m definitely adding this to my list of clay projects to try out.
Let us know know what you think if you make any of these projects. Also be on the lookout for a planner tutorial later this month!
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