This is by Frainy, who’s on the shortlist to become one of SCK’s new writers. Have a read and tell us what you think!
Acrylicana, run by Mary Winkler, sells handmade necklaces, custom shoes and art prints featuring Mary’s amazing artwork! I have been a fan of her work for many years now and I have purchased many accessories and a pair of her amazing hand painted shoes in the past. In this post I will be featuring 3 different products from Acrylicana, and I’m sure you will love them!
These Sailor Moon prints come in many sizes and are absolutely gorgeous! You can choose a print of your favourite Senshi or buy them all! I love Mary’s art style, and the way the colours pop out of the black background is striking.
This Goldilocks necklace is part of the Acrylicana After Dark series, which features fairy tale characters that are a little darker than the original story books. I love the colours in this piece, especially that pretty blue chain that matches Goldilocks’ dress!
The last product I am featuring are Acrylicana’s impressive custom shoes. Of course you can’t buy ones that are exactly like the ones in the photo above, but you can place a custom order by checking out her shoe section in her Etsy shop. You can get high tops, skate shoes or you can even send your own blank shoes to her to be painted! You can see some of her previous custom work on her website.
If you liked what you saw then make sure you go and check out Acrylicana on Etsy!
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