Back to School Bento Lunch Box Treats

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This is a guest post by Lulu, who’s on the shortlist to become one of SCK’s new writers. Have a read and tell us what you think!

If you are preparing to head back to school, college or work you need something yummy to keep you filled up throughout the day, what finer way than with some kawaii goodness at lunch time with a bento box or cute lunch accessories.

tofu cute

My panda obsessed daughter would love to have these panda shaped sandwiches. They’re easy to make with this tool from Tofu Cute.


I could put them in her very own panda lunch box from Modes4U!

totoro bento box

I adore the lands created by Studio Ghibli; I can happily daydream about them while tucking into this amazing two tier Totoro bento box, available at Amazon. Lunch tastes much better knowing Totoro has been looking after it for me!

zazzle napkins

To keep little and not so little fingers clean, these adorable napkins are perfect, available from Zazzle as a pack of 4, plus they are 100% cotton, so you can wash them and use them again and again!


For some amazing yummy inspiration, you cannot go wrong with this fantastic book – Yum Yum Bento Box!

Whatever tasty treat you are having for lunch – enjoy!

About the Author

4 responses

  1. maïté avatar

    nice post, i like the style of writing. And I enjoy reading this post.

  2. Tooka avatar

    I just discovered your excellent website. Yum, yum – I love this Bentotastic article. My kids would love a lunch box like this. The Pandas are super cute and anything Ghibli always is wonderful. I look forward to your next piece.

  3. Kelsea Echo avatar
    Kelsea Echo

    I’ve been looking into starting bento boxes lately – love this post! :)

  4. Asha avatar

    Sooo kawaii~!!! I love the panda bento box.

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