It really was about time I had another hunt for kawaii bunnies on Etsy. Here’s what I found:

I’ve had these cuties favourited for a while now – the bunny on the right just absolutely kills me. He looks so happy and eager to go have some fun. Totally adorable and made by RattaWan if you fancy buying it for me :)

I also adore Chef Bun who comes complete with hat and apron and a belly full of cake and ice cream. Aaaah. He’s available from the ever-talented Hello Happy and, unbelievably, he’s also on sale. Someone snap him up now!

Bunnies also like donuts, as you can see on this kawaii memo pad from Jasmine Jewels. I warn you, there are about a million other cute stationery items in her shop too!

I love love love this bunny fabric! Where can I get some?! Odds & Blobs has made it into this awesome pouch which is perfect for your Nintendo DS, or just to coo over.

And finally, who doesn’t want a winking bunny tshirt? These are made by the infamous Em and Sprout, whose kawaii shoes you will be well aware of. Is there nothing they can’t turn their genius to?
Hope you enjoyed my bunny picks and feel free to email me your cute bunnies for next time!
About the Author
Marceline is the co-founder and editor of Super Cute Kawaii and the author of The Super Cute Book of Kawaii. She lives by the seaside in Scotland in a flat full of kawaii, creating cute character goods as Asking For Trouble, working on endless craft projects and playing Nintendo.
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